Hotbox Sulfume
A temperature regulated sulphur vaporiser, ideal for the control and eradication of Botrytis, powdery mildew and black spot. One Sulfume will treat 1,076 sq. ft. (100 sq. m.), or 40 – 50 Sulfume per acre. Normally used for an eight hour period at night, Sulfume will vaporize about 2 grams of rock sulphur per eight hour period. The heat plate within the Sulfume is constantly and automatically regulated to a fixed temperature. Sulfume is voltage independent, even if there are fluctuations in the current, and will always maintain the same temperature. With temperature control, Sulfume reduces electricity consumption from 100 watts to 50 watts as soon as the desired temperature is achieved.
The Hotbox Sulfume is the only sulphur vaporiser that can guarantee efficient vaporisation of sulphur, without the production of other compounds. This provides a greater level of control over powdery mildew, black spot and Botrytis than has been achieved before. By slowly evaporating Sulfur, the Sulfume Vaporizer evenly distributes a fine coating of Sulfur on the leaves of plants which changes the pH on the surface to help eliminate powdery mildew and other fungi while also controlling other pests and diseases such as thrips, spider mite, leafminer etc.
In addition to sulphur, the Sulfume can be used for other chemicals by using the stainless steel cup.
Sounds technical but in reality the Sulfume box is easy to use, highly effective and recommended by the experts. When all else fails this product can be relied upon.
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