Organic Rescue Rapid Flower
Organic Rescue Rapid flower does exactly what it says on the Tin.
This product Immediately triggers your plant to flower straight away by sending a strong signal to the plant to initiate flowering by producing your first flowers as quick as 3 days from first application in the flowering cycle.
As this is a Ready to Use Foliar Spray Results will be seen immediately unlike soluble version that you add to your nutrient tank which take longer to work.
Key Benefits
- Ease your plants Transition from Vegetive to a Flowering state
- Increase the amount of flowering sights and surface area of foliage
- Increase production of excess trichomes and sugars
- Promotes Tighter nodes which produce thicker, denser flowers
- Decreases intermodal stretching and spacing
Indoor Horticulture: Mist tops and undersides of leaves, stalks, and stems 1-2 times a week during the last two weeks of vegetative growth and the first week of flowering for maximum effectiveness.
Warnings: Use as directed. Avoid use in direct sunlight or direct high-intensity lighting. Do not use on seedlings. Avoid spraying flower surfaces directly.
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